Texas Cities Claim Top 3 Spots Of Most Unfaithful List

There are many reasons that lead couples to seek a divorce, and one of them is due to an unfaithful spouse. Although some couples manage to find forgiveness after a spouse cheats or is unfaithful, others cannot forgive the betrayal and begin taking steps toward divorce. According to an online dating website source called mydatingadvisor.com there is data to suggest that the top three unfaithful cities are all in Texas. With rankings for divorce rate, marriage rate, and google searches related to seeking an affair, Texas cities are not faring well. The three cities topping the list are Dallas at number 1, Fort Worth at number 2, and Houston at number 3. All three cities reportedly have a marriage rate of 46-47%, a divorce rate of 12%, and a separation rate of 2%. On the face of it these statistics don’t seem too bad and not necessarily related to unfaithfulness by a partner. However, the cities also received scores in the 30s for their google search rate for searches related to seeking an affair. To put that into perspective, McAllen, another Texas city, ranked much more positively as number 9 on the most faithful cities list with a google search score of only 3.33 for people searching with interest in an affair. 

Divorce Legal Help

These are interesting stats, but when it comes down to you and your marriage it doesn’t matter where you live or your personal situation with your spouse. If you feel that divorce is imminent and necessary, then don’t wait to talk with a divorce lawyer Cypress, TX residents can trust from Winfrey Law Firm, PLLC. We have the experience and knowledge about divorce law in Texas to guide you through the process as smoothly as possible no matter what your situation is. The sooner you talk to us the better, because there may be things that you can do now to start preparing for your divorce and better set you up. Even if you end up not going through with the divorce, you will be armed with the legal information and advice you need to know your options and steps to take to protect yourself and your interests moving forward. We have been through many divorce cases and are confident that we can handle whatever it is that you’re facing and be your ally. We care about our clients and fight for their interests because we know that the outcome could have a major impact on your future. We would be honored to represent you and relieve some of your stress as you face this life-altering legal proceeding. We understand that divorce is not easy on your emotional state or mental health and hope to take some of the burden of it all off of you by handling the legal side of things so that you will be freed up to focus on your mental health and prepare for your future after the divorce is complete. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.