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Commonly Asked Questions About Alimony

Divorce Lawyer If you are going through a divorce, chances are you may have heard the term alimony floating around. As a divorce lawyer from a firm like May Law, LLP can explain, Here is some more information on this family law topic to give you more information. What exactly is alimony? Alimony is the

Divorce lawyer

Divorce lawyer Because society of today is so globally large, with the reduced cost of international travel and the technological advances that allow people to communicate with each other no matter where they are for relatively low prices, there are more international marriages. However, like every other type of marriage, a lot of these marriages

A Quick Guide to Child Visitation Rights

Family Lawyer In the eyes of the courts, biological parents hold certain rights to parent their children. This is true even in cases of absentee parents for most states. Bear in mind that family law varies by state, so you will need to do some research as to the specific laws in your area of

Do I Qualify For a Marriage Annulment?

Do I Qualify For a Marriage Annulment? Marriage Annulment While virtually any married person can get a divorce, not everyone can get an annulment. Each state has its own laws regarding who qualifies for an annulment, but in general, you must meet at least one of the following requirements: You were under the age of

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