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Can My Adult Disabled Child Get Child Support?

Can My Adult Disabled Child Get Child Support? Most divorcing couples with children realize that some kind of child support order will be issued by the court, depending on the child custody order that is agreed upon. Each parent understands that regardless of whether the marriage worked out, they have an obligation to provide for

The Top Common Misconceptions About Divorce 

The Top Common Misconceptions About Divorce 

Divorce Lawyer When it comes to divorce, there are many common fears and concerns that come with it. However, most of these fears arise out of the perceptions of divorce that are reinforced on television and in the movies. For the most part, the divorce process is not as dramatic as the TV shows and

Common Misconceptions About Military Divorce

Military Divorce Lawyer Deciding that it is time to get a divorce is one of the most difficult decisions that a person can make, and while it is often the best solution for a couple is facing severe differences, it doesn’t make the decision any easier. When you add on the factor that your spouse

Commonly Asked Questions About Alimony

Divorce Lawyer If you are going through a divorce, chances are you may have heard the term alimony floating around. As a divorce lawyer from a firm like May Law, LLP can explain, Here is some more information on this family law topic to give you more information. What exactly is alimony? Alimony is the

Domestic Violence: The effects on Children

Domestic Violence: The effects on Children Domestic violence is a problem that affects people of all races, religions, socioeconomic statuses, and gender identities. It can occur in any type of relationship and does not discriminate. Domestic violence can take many forms, such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse, and digital abuse. If

Getting a Divorce When You Share Children

When a parent is going through the divorce process, likely the biggest thing that they will be paying attention to is the children. If you share children with your spouse, you will want to know things like: Who will get child custody? Who will make child support payments? Will my children get a say in

Do you need professional legal assistance?